Book: 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America
Author: Bernard Goldberg
Publisher/Date: HarperCollins/July 1, 2005
ISBN: 0060761288
This book is Bernard Goldberg's opinion on 100 people who are, of course, "screwing up america". After the introduction, you need to read about 55 pages of more of Goldberg's boring old rants of blah, blah, blah, how we liberals are stupid jacka**es and how the media is so f**king indecent and...ahem...GANGSTA RAP IS MAKING BLACK PEOPLE LOOK BAD. That's right, in "I'm Your Pimp, You My B**ch" (pp. 24-28), he starts by being a KMEL-hypnotized teen and saying that he loves rap, then he says he tricked you and claims the truth: that gangsta rap "is moronic, disgusting, inane, ignorant, and soul-deadening, not to mention...dangerous and destructive" (25-26). Speaking of gangsta rap, #'s 60-58 have to deal with that very topic. #60 was Ludacris, who Goldberg condemned for being "very big with kids, (too) many of whom get their 'values' from the pop culture and the street and guys like Ludacris--instead of from a mother and a father at home" (136). Look, Mr. Goldberg, didn't you notice?
In case you're blind, look on the low-left corner. The words: "Parental Advisory: Explicit Content". That's similar to a rated "R" in movies or "TV-14" on TV, the RIAA (and TV and Movies) do these "ratings" and "advisorys" so that they can't be held liable to any damages to the kids' mind. Besides, you know as a parent it's their responsibility to teach their kids that Ludacris and other black people are stupid and should be mistreated and reffered to as n...oops, sorry, i was only kidding...I mean gangsta rap should be only used as entertainment and never be consider moral. Sheesh, do your homework before publishing stuff in public. Sorry, this is just stupid.
Following is Shirley Franklin, mayor of Atlanta because she on June 2004 honored Ludcaris "with an official proclamation citing his good works", for his having "given some of it [his royalties and profits] to charities in the Atlanta area" (137). Say, Mr. G, I can justify that, I even as a liberal find it retarded for Ludacris to be honored just for his charity's like relasing a drug dealer from jail early for him/her saying "I'm sorry i did that sh**, I promise never to do it again". Then, at 58, Eminem, please refer to the previous paragraph. The "Parental Advisory" thing applies here too.
#43: Paul Eibeler, CEO of Take-Two Interactive, manf. of "Grand Theft Auto" video games. Goldberg condemns him for glorifiying the killing of police officers and violence and crime. Fine then, how about this: Why don't you go condemn the creators of other violent games or TV shows glorifing crime damit? Plus, you didn't mention the game was rated "M" - Mature/intended for players 17 and older. NO HE DOES NOT WANT TO PEDDLE THE GAME TO KIDS!! Man, one big fat "F".
Back down the list to #65, Oliver Stone, director of the recent bomb film "Alexander". Goldberg says that Stone is fictionalizing history in his films and getting away with it, in an era when fewer and fewer people can name George Washington as the first American president and basic American/world history. Sorry man, you shoud be pushing for better history/social studies education instead.
The rest of the book is just bullsh*t, basically ultra-conservative bullsh*t against people I appreciate such as Dan Rather, Barbara Walters, and Diane Sawyer, and a buncha other peeps I don't know of but I'm sure that Goldberg is being a bitch about them. However, he did make good points on these people:
100. Rick & Kathy Hilton
99. Matthew Lesko
95. Courtney Love
90. Michael Jackson
85.-83. are various references to stupid jackass celebrities
62. Howard Stern
53. Anna Nicole Smith
32. Jerry Springer
31. Maury Povich
20. Howard Dean
And, back to the negative side, who was #1? Answer: MICHAEL MOORE!!!!!!! All that Goldberg says is a quote from Moore that he thinks Americans are dumb. Not the director of a film that says that Bush is a dumbass! And now regarding Ludacris: in 2003, Bill O'Reilly of Fox News fired at Pepsi for using music from the controversial song "Move B*tch" by Ludacris because he thought of Ludacris and rap music as immoral and Pepsi is being a bitch by using gangsta rap, so Pepsi replaced Luda with the Osbournes (y'know, Ozzy, the former Black Sabbath lead singer). Russell Simmons, president of Def Jam at the time, condemned Pepsi for apparant racism, because both Ludacris and Ozzy were known for being vulgar, violent, profane, etc., and called for his fellow blacks to boycott Pepsi. I see a silmiar situation in this book: Why is Ozzy Osbourne not on your list, Bernard Goldberg? I have listened to many Ozzy songs as Ludacris songs, and I can safely say that Ozzy's lyrics are just as profane and vulgar and violent as Ludacris if not less. Or how about Marilyn Manson for his promotion of Satanic themes to young people? Why did you not condemn punk rock or heavy metal for promoting immorality to young people? Are you trying to say that black people are stupid for promoting such values to teens but don't care about white rock artists for doing pretty much the same? Wow, what a bitch.
So in the end, this book is simply 305 pages of ultra-right wing crap, only like 20 pages worth reading.
Grade: D
Comment from Kevin L: "It's a load of shit. why'd you even read it? Michael Moore at #1? i think this goldberg guy is screwing up america with his lies."